
Kid-Friendly Landscaping!

Design a space that's safe for little ones and packed with fun!

By Zaylie Matesowicz July 16, 2024

Dreaming of a backyard that caters to the whole family? Look no further than kid-friendly landscaping! We'll show you how to design a space that's safe for little ones, packed with fun!

Building a Worry-Free Backyard Play Zone

Safety is key! Opting for kid-friendly options makes it easier for parents to sit back and have no worries as they watch their kids play. To keep the children within your backyard the best option is by installing a fence they can’t squeeze through. Now that we are sure they won't escape, the next thing to consider is to have a safe playing surface. Opt for things like rubber mulch, artificial turf, sand or grass. Lastly, make sure that any plants within reach of the children can not cause harm, try to avoid plants with thorns or plants like mushrooms or berries that may tempt the kids to try to eat them due to the familiarity.

Outdoor Features That Spark Kid’s Imagination

Now that we have safety down, let the fun begin! Installing age-appropriate playground equipment like slides and swings is great. Other things you can consider are building playhouses, forts, or teepees. These are places for the kids to use their imagination, play hide and seek, and have a place to relax. You may also want to add in some sensory activity options, things like supervised water fountains or a dedicated sandbox area, this gives the children a place to build, dig, or splash!

Balancing Fun and Functionality in Your Outdoor Space

A kid-friendly space shouldn't mean sacrificing adult enjoyment. Design play areas next to outdoor “living rooms” where the family can gather. This gives children the opportunity to flow between adult and kid zones and incorporates the family into outdoor play. You can also add hammocks or a climbing wall as your children get older, keeping the space engaging for all ages. With a little planning and these ideas, your backyard can transform into a place where memories are made and imaginations take flight. So, get ready for endless hours of laughter, exploration, and pure joy!